LFS02 Frontline Leadership - Communication
The act of communicating involves at least two people, the sender of a message and the receiver of a message. People communicate through words, behaviors, gestures, facial expressions, pictures, and signs. Communication is an essential tool in supervision. It is important for the frontline supervisor to know how to effectively communicate with thei
EC08 Extended Care - Documentation
The purpose of this module is to define the process of and reasons for recording information in a defined format about supported individuals that helps communicate important information to others. The module also covers confidentiality, HIPAA, CFR-42 and stigma in documentation.
CW203 Child Welfare II - Advanced Communication Strategies
This module focuses on effective communication skills, motivational interviewing from a strength-based approach, communication with different populations, and how confidentiality affects all communication. The act of communicating takes at least two people: the sender of a message and the receiver of a message. People communicate through words, act
CW102 Child Welfare I - Family Empowerment
This module on family empowerment is the foundation for the other modules in this series. We’ll start by defining your role as a Direct Support Professional and then move into discussions that should help develop your approach to family empowerment. As you complete this module, you will begin to understand your job and the seriousness of your role
MH09 Mental Health - Crisis Intervention and Emergency Services
The purpose of this module to introduce you to the skills and knowledge needed to ensure safety and well-being for the individuals you support, your colleagues and yourself. Potential crisis situations are identified. This training does not endorse any specific physical interventions.