CW111 Child Welfare I - Health and Safety
This module on health and safety will introduce you to the basic concepts of nutrition, healthy life styles, symptoms and signs of illness, medication issues, responding to environmental emergencies, and basic good health practices. All of these are important in your work with children.
CW108 Child Welfare I - Vocational, Educational, and Career Support
Children in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems may have significant challenges in the school setting. Abuse, neglect, and trauma all impact the child’s ability to concentrate and focus. In addition, if a child moves from one home or setting to another, the child may change schools -in fact, some children change schools several times. Gi
DD04 Developmental Disability - Assessment
The purpose of this course is to provide the learner with information describing the role of assessments in helping an individual determine needs and wants and defining the role of the learner in the assessment process.
DD08 Developmental Disability - Vocational, Educational, and Career Support
The purpose of this module is to learn how to apply teaching techniques to community participation, career and vocational growth and other educational tasks that will enhance a person’s community participation, risk-taking and increased choice making.
LFS04 Frontline Leadership - Personnel Management
The frontline supervisor is responsible for understanding the importance and value of managing staff effectively. Developing performance goals, assessing the skills of staff to succeed, and building good management practices into your interactions with staff are important in your ongoing effort to manage personnel. This module will also discuss how