DD04 Developmental Disability - Assessment
The purpose of this course is to provide the learner with information describing the role of assessments in helping an individual determine needs and wants and defining the role of the learner in the assessment process.
CW108 Child Welfare I - Vocational, Educational, and Career Support
Children in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems may have significant challenges in the school setting. Abuse, neglect, and trauma all impact the child’s ability to concentrate and focus. In addition, if a child moves from one home or setting to another, the child may change schools -in fact, some children change schools several times. Gi
EC04 Extended Care - Assessment
Assessments are critical in determining the services and supports an individual receives. Assessments also serve to identify changes and recognize newly acquired skills. The Direct Support Professional has an important role in monitoring the needs and wants of the individual and assuring that services provided support the individual’s goals. The pu
EC02 Extended Care -Participant Empowerment
The purpose of this module is to teach you the importance of promoting the rights and responsibilities of individuals and to empower them to make personal choices. This module will include strategies and resources for supporting individuals in their relationships with others and while creating opportunities to express themselves in a safe and appro
DD02 Developmental Disability - Participant Empowerment
The purpose of this module is in teaching you the importance of promoting the rights and responsibilities of individuals and empowering them to make personal choices. This module will include strategies and resources for supporting individuals in their relationships with others and creating opportunities to express themselves in a safe and appropri